Don’t Be a Low Hanger: The Essentials of Standing Out

The Meaning Behind “Low Hanger”

Have you ever heard the term “low hanger” and wondered what it means?

Historical context: The term has roots tracing back to the idea of fruits hanging low on a tree. These fruits are easily accessible and thus, picked first. While they serve their purpose, they’re not necessarily the best or most unique.

Modern usage: Today, the term symbolizes people or ideas that take the easy way out, or do the bare minimum. It represents the status quo, the average.

The Importance of Standing Out

Why should you strive to be more than just average?

In business: In a world filled with competition, standing out in business means attracting more customers, getting recognized, and ultimately achieving more success.

In personal life: On a personal level, it means leaving a legacy, making an impact, and ensuring that you live a life of purpose and meaning.

Strategies to Elevate Your Game

What can you do to avoid being a “low hanger”?

Embracing authenticity: Being genuine is rare in today’s world. By being yourself, you bring a unique perspective that can’t be replicated by anyone else.

Continuous learning: The world is constantly evolving. By dedicating yourself to lifelong learning, you ensure that you’re always ahead of the curve.

But why is being unique so valuable?

The science of distinction: Studies have shown that our brains are wired to notice and remember unique stimuli more than common ones. This means that by being unique, you’re more likely to be remembered.

Case studies: Consider big brands like Apple or individuals like Elon Musk. Their uniqueness in approach and thinking made them household names.

The Artistic Perspective: Why Standing Out is Crucial for Artists

Art is the manifestation of human emotion, thought, and creativity. The art world, with its vast array of genres, mediums, and styles, is abundant with “low hangers”. These are the pieces that might be produced en masse or are heavily influenced by trending styles, lacking a unique voice or perspective.

Elevating Art Beyond the Norm

In the art and print industry, where originality is the currency, it’s essential for artists to distinguish themselves from the masses. Think about the art that truly resonates with you. Is it something you’ve seen a hundred times before, or is it a piece that challenges perceptions, provokes thought, and evokes strong emotions?

Embracing one’s unique voice and perspective is what sets artists like Frida Kahlo, Vincent Van Gogh, or Banksy apart. They didn’t merely paint or create; they expressed a distinct part of themselves in their works, a perspective not seen elsewhere.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls

So what holds people back from standing out?

Conformity traps: Often, we’re pressured to fit in, to follow the norms. But in doing so, we lose our unique spark.

Fear of criticism: Standing out means you’re visible, and visibility often comes with criticism. But remember, every influential person faced their share of critics.

Staying Consistent in Your Quest to Stand Out

It’s not enough to stand out once. It’s about consistently pushing boundaries and reinventing oneself. Check out their full website ➜


In a world filled with “low hangers”, dare to be the fruit at the top of the tree. Dare to stand out, to be unique, and to consistently strive for excellence. Remember, it’s those who dare to be different that make a lasting impact.

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